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How To Make Risotto


Risotto is one of the best-loved Italian dishes, but the prospect of cooking it at home can seem daunting. It doesn't have to be! While the process varies, the basic techniques remain the same. Try our no-recipe guide to risotto,* and you will be happily stirring with the best of them in no time. 


  1. STOCK UP.

In a large saucepan, boil about 6 ½ cups of vegetable or chicken stock. Cover, and keep warm.



In a large stockpot, sweat a minced onion in a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil over medium high heat until it is just golden, about five minutes.



Add two cups of rice (such as Carnaroli or Arborio, though we love to get creative with farro) to the pan, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon. Toast the rice until it is translucent around the edges, smells fragrant, and begins to pop (which Italians call la tostatura), about three minutes.



Add about ½ cup of dry white wine and a healthy pinch of salt. Stirring constantly, boil until alcohol is cooked off and the pan is almost dry.


  1. LADLE.

Add one ladle (about ½ cup) of the warm stock.



  1. STIR.

Stir the rice with the wooden spoon.


When the liquid is almost completely absorbed, add another ladle of the warm stock, continuing to stir. Repeat steps five and six until the rice is deliciously al dente.


  1. SEASON.

Remove the risotto from the heat, and stir in extra virgin olive oil or cold butter, to taste. We recommend stirring in some Parmigiano Reggiano or Grana Padano (though you can get more creative with additions as you continue to perfect your risotto skills!). Adjust the seasoning with salt as needed.


  1. REST.

Set the risotto aside for a few minutes.


  1. DIG IN.

Serve your lucky guests (bonus if there is cheese to pass and balsamic to drizzle). Buon appetito! 

*Nota bene: our guide yields about four servings — perfect for your next dinner party!


Now that you're an expert, try our complete recipes for risotto with squid-inksaffron, mushroom, radicchio, and more.